
Fungom food security and sustainable development cooperative with board of directors

Département : MENCHUM
Localité : FUNGOM
Filières : Fruits et Légumes, Palmier à huile, Manioc, Champignon, Vente de Services et Produits Agricole

Adresse : PO box 94 wum

Téléphones : 00237677354053
Site web : www.fungomfarms.com
Membre depuis le 26.08.2021
Nombre d'annonces : 0
At the Fungom Farms, we manage agro-ecosystems for improved and sustained productivity, increased profits and ensure food safety and security by collecting and marketing produce in a profitable manner. We also carryout specific and appropriate training thereby updating our members of the benefits of communal agricultural techniques which guarantee food security, sustain local economies and create employment opportunities amongst the youth. We currently produce Maize/Groundnuts/Soybeans/Pepper/Sweet Potato and Red Palm Oil for commercial purposes.
Maize plantation
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