
South West Development Authority

Région : SUD-OUEST
Département : FAKO
Localité : BUEA
Filières : Aquaculture, Bovin-Viande, Avicole, Porcine, Cacao-Café, Fruits et Légumes, Maïs, Plantain, Manioc, Pomme de terre

Adresse : Po. Box 336 Buea

Téléphones : 233322622 - 233322805
Site web : www.soweda.org
Membre depuis le 18.12.2014
Nombre d'annonces : 0
Created by President Decree No 87/1874 of 17th Decembre 1987n SOWEDA has clocked twenty five years as a Development Structure. Although the time lapse has not been very long, much development has been realized in all the six Dvisions of the Region.
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